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The multi-discipline endurance sport known as the triathlon is not for the faint hearted.
Consisting of swimming, cycling and running over various distances, it requires its participants to compete for the fastest overall completion time.
At Clancy Briggs, we offer a number of tailored training options specifically for triathletes, as coach Ali Slater explains:
"Being a triathlete requires you to have discipline across three different sports. Cycling is, in many ways, the more complex of the group because it introduces an extra bit of kit to the equation - the bike! We have a number of riders that train with us to ensure they can improve their performance when it comes to the cycling element of the mix. It's not uncommon for athletes to take part in triathlons as a result of their passion for swimming or running, meaning they have limited experience when it comes to cycling."
Here are 5 reasons why triathletes of any age could benefit from some coaching with the CB team:
Cycling training can be time consuming. We can help to create a time efficient approach to give you the most benefit in the least time. If you've got to train for three different disciplines, you need to ensure that when you jump on the bike, you're making the most of that time. Our coaches will structure that training to be as time efficient as possible.
We can work with you and any other coaches you have to ensure your training on the bike complements any work you're doing when it comes to the running and swimming disciplines. When you're juggling so much training, the last thing you need is contradictory advice.
Whether you're riding in a no draft race which is more like a solo time trial or you're taking part in a draft-legal event, we'll teach you those all important skills to perform well. Your cycling skills may not be at the same level as your running and swimming techniques if you haven't been exposed to cycling training from a young age, so we'll teach you techniques such as bunch riding, cornering, pace judgement, hill climbing and gear selection. We'll also work with you to ensure you're holding yourself on the bike correctly.
Risk of injury when cycling is greater than when running or swimming, simply because it involves the added complexity of a piece of equipment. In cycling, you have an extra piece of kit to get your head around and work with. If you haven't had any training around the techniques, the risk is you come off the bike and can't take part at all.
It's very difficult to practice things like group riding and it can be daunting to go out and get involved with a group of established cyclists. It's a bit like jumping in at the deep end! Not to mention the safety issues of practicing cornering on an open road when you've got vehicles around you.
In addition, as riders get older and stronger they get faster and if you don't have the skill level to go alongside it you will have more crashes and more injuries, which could really impact your ability to go further in the sport.
We'll make sure you have all the techniques you'll need to keep you and other riders as safe as possible.
The margins required to win get smaller as you go up the sport - any efficiencies in cycling and handling your bike are going to become more and more important. We can work with you to really focus in on the aspects of your cycling and transitioning that are holding you back.
There are a number of options open to you.
We have our monthly cycling coaching packages for all age groups where you have a truly personalised experience with one of our pro-cyclist coaches. These sessions will be tailored specifically for you and what you need to improve to achieve your triathlon goals.
If you live within travelling distance of Doncaster, you could attend one of our masterclasses or holiday camps and our weekly RACE class.
If travelling from further afield, we can combine one of our regular sessions with a bespoke 1-2-1 session to make your journey really worthwhile.
Finally, we also have our Youth & Junior Development Programme where we have a weekly virtual structured turbo session followed by a virtual education session.
If you're a triathlete or your child is, please get in touch to explore how we can provide you with exceptional, effective coaching before your next triathlon.
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