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In response to recent government updates about the rising cases of coronavirus in the UK, we’d like to take this opportunity to reiterate the safety procedures we have in place to ensure everyone’s safety at the Clancy Briggs Cycling Academy.
We have now been open again for almost 3 months following the lockdown end. In light of recent government announcements about the rise in Coronavirus cases, we want to reiterate the measures we have in place to ensure we can continue to remain open for cycling classes.
We understand that this is a frustrating time for everyone and some of these measures don’t feel convenient, but politely ask that all parents and members stick firmly to our procedures to ensure we can keep the academy open for children.
Please can we remind all our Clancy Briggs families that only ONE ADULT should attend to bring their child or children to a class.
Where possible, it’s absolutely essential that you return to your cars for the duration of the class.
If this is not possible, you may use the external waiting areas provided, but maintain the 2m rule at all times.
Please ensure you wait at the entrance no more than 5 minutes before the start time of your child’s session.
Upon arrival, please make sure you take note of any signage in place at the venue displaying social distancing information.
2m lines indicate queue waiting points at intervals from the single entrance gate. All adults should maintain the 2m rule at all times.
At arrival time the first group will move through the gate into the holding area (astro turf) where bays have been marked to keep the 2m rule. Adults should return to their cars at this point or go to the external waiting area.
Once the holding area has been cleared those arriving for the next class will be allowed to move in.
Please be aware that the Doncaster Cycle Track team is responsible for the on-site facilities. We have agreed that the academy classes will have sole use of the external disabled toilet during classes. This toilet will be cleaned on an hourly basis by DCLT.
On arrival, you will be required to wait outside the tennis courts maintaining a 2m distance. Children will move through the gate when directed by a coach. Adults should return to their cars where possible.
At the end of the class, children will be brought to the tennis court gates where parents are asked to stay outside the fence line and wait for their child.
Group sizes are limited to small consistent groups of no more than 15 children to at least 1 coach or the session is limited to a maximum group size of 30 including all children and coaches. We would like to reassure our parents and members that our internal ratios of 1 coach to 10 riders will remain in place
At the start of the class, the coach will remind children of the requirement to social distance at 2m and indicate a semi circle showing the children how to space out for when the coach needs to address the class.
When more than one class is running at a venue at the same time, we restrict classes to set zones.
You should only attend the academy if you and your child/ren are completely symptom free and there is no one else in your household with symptoms.
If you, your child/ren or anyone in your household displays symptoms or tests positive for Covid-19 after you leave the academy, you should not attend your next class until government guidance dictates it is safe to do so and you must contact [email protected] so that we may implement contact tracing.
Please note that we will be unable to lend helmets until further notice so your child must have their own helmet that they can bring with them.
Wherever possible, please bring your own bike to your class. If this is not possible, we can make bikes available and these will have been cleaned thoroughly at the end of each session, especially the touch points such as the handlebars, brakes and seat.
Please remind your children that they should not lend their belongings to other class members.
Our coaches will have access to gels and wipes to ensure sufficient hand washing before, during and after all sessions.
All coaches will have access to gloves and face masks during classes. They will only be required to use these in the event that they have to break the 2m rule under the following circumstances:
At venues where more than one class is taking place at the same time, class end times will be staggered to avoid overcrowding. Waiting adults are asked to stay 2m apart from and socially distance at all times.
We’ve provided our coaches and staff with the following guidelines to adhere to:
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